The event will be organized in cooperation with the European Commission. The agenda of the conference should include topics such as the EU Package Travel Directive, the upcoming EU legislation on short-term rentals, the expert report Transition Pathway for Tourism as the foundation of a long-term strategy European Tourism Agenda 2030 and information about the Council Conclusions in this area, as well as marketing topics. We will discuss measures and examples of good practice that contribute to the transformation of tourism and make it more resilient to external influences. The speakers will include representatives of the European Commission, experts and representatives of other institutions according to the selected topic, both from the Czech Republic and abroad.
The conference will be a full-day event, held on 15.11.2022. The next day, 16.11.2022, 2 closed events will follow, Meeting of Directors-General Responsible for Tourism and European Travel Commission General Meeting.
The block on the so-called PTD (Package Travel Directive - EU Directive 2015/2302) will reflect on the application of the Directive so far, especially with regard to the problems that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, the guarantee mechanisms in case of bankruptcy of organizer, but probably also the case law of the CJEU.
The topic of "short term rentals" will be relevant in view of the announced publication of the draft EU Regulation. Contributions from a representative of the European Commission as well as from other experts can be expected, as well as a discussion on this topic.
A representative of the European Commission will speak on the expert report Transition Pathway for Tourism. The main focus will be on sub-areas such as digitalization of the operations or services and a green dimension of tourism and carbon footprint calculation.
Representatives of national tourism agencies will contribute to marketing topics.
The program will be further specified.
You can watch a live-stream of the ETF conference following this link: https://youtu.be/FJTB_LKwNrA (15 November, starting at 9 AM)
Department of Tourism
Ms Hana Nedbal, +420 224 864 186, e-mail: Hana.Nedbal@mmr.cz
Ms Renata Králová, e-mail: Renata.Kralova@mmr.cz
Mr František Dickelt, e-mail: Frantisek.Dickelt@mmr.cz