The ambition of the Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021+ (hereinafter referred to as the “RDS”) is to set the main objectives of regional development in the horizon of 7 years, or to define, in accordance with Act No 248/2000 Coll., on regional development support (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Regional Development Support”), the main objectives of the State's regional policy in the period 2021–20271 . We define the regional policy of the central government (hereinafter referred to as the State) as a policy which should regulate the sectoral policies of the State so that they take into account the specifics of the various types of territory (metropolitan areas, agglomerations, regional centres and their rural hinterlands, structurally affected regions, economically and socially vulnerable areas) and which, at the same time, creates its own instruments influencing the development of specific territories. The main purpose of the RDS is to identify which thematic areas need or require a territory-specific approach2 , and to define what (different) interventions should be implemented in different territorial contexts so as to promote competitiveness, reduce regional disparities and find solutions promoting sustainable development of the territory...
